Metro Pictures announces a group exhibition on view from 28 January – 18 February 2006 of seemingly innocent and naive art works, including Olaf Breuning's installation "A Group of Unstable Lemon Pigs," Jim Shaw's "O-ist Thrift Store Paintings," and Cindy Sherman's animated film "Doll Clothes."
Olaf Breuning's installation stems from an edition done for Parkett Editions in 2004. Breuning has transformed the single pig into a collective which depicts the smiling pigs in a suicidal procession to a plank at the top of a ladder from which they fall and shatter.
Jim Shaw's O-ist Thrift Store Paintings, begun in 2002, are "faux found art." The series brings together previous Shaw projects: the Thrift Store Paintings which were paintings collected by the artist and exhibited at Metro Pictures in 1991; and O-ism, a fictional religion created by the artist in 2000.
Cindy Sherman's super-8 film,"Doll Clothes" has not been viewed since 1975, the year it was made. It comically crosses Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase with animated paper dolls in a sly, funny and clever precursor to the concerns that became signature elements in Sherman's remarkable body of photographic work.
Listings Information:
For more information, the public can call 212 206 7100, or visit
Gallery Hours: 10 am- 6 pm, Tuesday – Saturday.
Upcoming Exhibition: Tony Oursler: Thought Forms, February 25 – March 25, 2006
Press Information: Stacy Bolton Communications T: 212 721 5350 E:
Metro Pictures
519 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011