Untitled (Dragon Head), 2001. Charcoal and graphite on mounted paper, 82 x 66 inches. MP D-433
Untitled (V Land), 2002. Charcoal on mounted paper, 49-1/8 x 109-1/8 inches. MP D-434
Untitled (Hell’s Gate), 2001. Charcoal on paper, 70-1/4 x 73-1/2 inches. MP D-416
Untitled (Godzilla), 2002. Graphite and charcoal on mounted paper, 69 x 114 inches. MP D-435
Untitled (The Face), 2001. Graphite and charcoal on mounted paper, 71 x 120 inches. MP D-418
Untitled (The Ledge), 2002. Graphite and charcoal on mounted paper, 96 x 72 inches. MP D-436
Untitled (Black Tube) , 2002. Graphite and charcoal on mounted paper, 66 x 93 inches. MP D-437
Untitled (Study for Bush Head), 2000. Ink and charcoal on vellum, 21-5/8 x 29-7/8 inches. MP D-441
Study for Vert, 2001. Ink and charcoal on vellum, 26-1/4 x 25-11/16 inches. MP D-425